Department of Medicine holds annual new faculty orientation

The Department of Medicine welcomed new faculty on Tuesday, August 23 with an institutional resource fair followed by an orientation session. Sponsored by the Office of Faculty Development, over 40 attendees enjoyed presentations covering topics such as career development and diversity, equity, and inclusion to the clinical, educational, and research landscape across the School of […]

Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists Program (DDFRCS) and COVID-19 Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists Program (CFRCS) — Call for Applications (Links to an external site)

The Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists Program (DDFRCS) and the COVID-19 Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists (CFRCS) Program provide innovative institutional solutions to reduce faculty attrition by assisting junior faculty facing extraprofessional demands through new interventions, resources, and mentoring.

Department of Medicine’s OUTmed program “Together Again” at PrideFest 2022

OUTmed parade

OUTmed, a forum for LGBTQIA+ identified faculty, trainees, staff, and allies at Washington University School of Medicine, returned as a sponsor of PrideFest 2022, held June 25 and 26th in downtown St. Louis. The event theme, “Together Again” reflects PrideSTL’s excitement to hold the community celebration again after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. […]

Washington University School of Medicine chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society announces class of 2022

The Alpha Omega Alpha Executive and Selection committees announce the new faculty, alumni and house officers to the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society Class of 2022. AΩA is the honor medical society recognizing, advocating for, and inspiring physicians in the care of patients and promotion of health. Members may be elected throughout their career […]

American Society of Hematology awards Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis $1.7 million for the Innovative Hematology-Focused Fellowship Training Program

The Hematology-Oncology Fellowship Program at Washington University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine will administer the ASH Hematology-Focused Fellowship Training Program (HFFTP), an initiative to address the critical need to expand the hematology workforce. ASH has invested $19 million to strengthen the next generation of hematologists by funding the creation of 10 new hematology-focused fellowship […]

MEDA:  Making a difference for underrepresented trainees and junior faculty

Mentorship to Enhance Diversity in Academia (MEDA) is a new program designed to foster and support the careers of trainees who belong to diverse groups. Sponsored by the Department of Medicine’s Office of Inclusion and Diversity, MEDA is open to all within the Washington University School of Medicine community interested in the shared goal of […]

Barnes-Jewish Hospital honors Kollef, Rubin with Lifetime Achievement Award

Marin Kollef, MD, and Brian Rubin, MD, honored by medical staff for longtime service to hospital, university and community (Reprinted from the May 31, 2022 issue of Physician Connect.) Marin Kollef, MD, FACP, FCCP and Brian Rubin, MD, FACS, received the Barnes-Jewish Medical Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award at the Association’s semi-annual general meeting May 12 […]

De Fer receives Jane F. Desforges Distinguished Teacher Award from the American College of Physicians; De Fer and Fraser awarded Masterships

Thomas M. De Fer, MD, FACP, Chief, Division of General Medicine, was awarded the 2021-2022 Jane F. Desforges Distinguished Teacher Award by the American College of Physicians (ACP) during the annual ACP meeting in April. The award is bestowed upon a Fellow or Master of the College who has demonstrated the qualities of a great […]

Spotlight on Jennie H. Kwon, DO, MSCI

Jennie H. Kwon, DO, MSCI

As an undergraduate double major in English and Biology, Jennie Kwon, DO, MSCI, might have had a hard time predicting her eventual career path. But, during her first semester in medical school, Kwon admitted she was “bit by the proverbial microbiology bug”.  “I was truly fascinated by these organisms,” recalls Kwon. “And I knew immediately […]

Andrej Spec, MD, MSCI, named interim Co-Editor-in-Chief of Open Forum Infectious Diseases

The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) has appointed Andrej Spec, MD, MSCI, as a interim co-editor-in-chief of Open Forum Infectious Diseases (OFID), an IDSA journal publication. Spec previously served as OFID’s associate deputy editor for transfers. More details regarding OFID’s new appointments are available on their website.

Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists Program (DDFRCS) expands to provide funding to researchers affected by extraprofessional personal demands due to COVID-19

For over seven years, the Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists (DDFRCS) has supported early-career physician scientists at Washington University School of Medicine facing extraprofessional challenges due to childbearing, family or health issues at a critical phase of their careers. This program was launched in 2015, when the School of Medicine was selected as part […]

The next war we have to win (Links to an external site)

While the battle against SARS-CoV-2 rages on, Washington University researchers and clinicians are fighting a rearguard action against drug-resistant infections that years of overprescribing have turned deadly.

OUTmed Hosts Queerer Mentoring Workshop

On March 30th, OUTmed, LGBTQ+med, and the Academy of Educators hosted the first-ever Queerer Mentoring Workshop. Over 35 faculty, fellows, residents, staff, and students attended from across the School of Medicine for this workshop and networking event.  The workshop goals were to help OUTmed mentoring groups better understand member needs and to help recognize the difference […]

Department of Medicine faculty recognized at annual Distinguished Service Teaching Awards


On March 1, 2022, the annual Distinguished Service Teaching Awards ceremony was held honoring Washington University School of Medicine educators who have made the most significant contributions to the training of future physicians. Initiated by students and implemented with support from the Office of Medical Student Education (OMSE), the Distinguished Faculty Awards recognize outstanding achievements in clinical care, […]

Tricuspid Regurgitation

Setting Standards for Diagnosis, Repair & Replacement The Valve Team at Washington University School of Medicine is among the first in the world to use a transfemoral transcatheter device for the treatment of severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR). “In the middle of the COVID pandemic, we submitted a request to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) […]