The Department of Medicine offers a variety of master’s degrees, graduate-level certificates and training programs.
As the educational core of the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS), the Clinical Research Training Center (CRTC) provides a cohesive and supportive infrastructure to foster clinical and translational research training and career development for medical students, predoctoral students, residents, postdoctoral fellows, faculty and staff.
The Department of Medicine offers the Oliver Langenberg Physician-Scientist Training Program to facilitate training for research-oriented careers in academic medicine, especially for graduates of MD/PhD programs.
The School of Medicine also has a Division of Physician-Scientists dedicated to nurturing the career development of physician-scientists by providing resources, mentorship and programs to encourage research pursuits at all career stages. Supported by a Physician-Scientist Institutional Award from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund to enhance training of MD-only candidates performing basic science research, the division offers the Dean’s Scholars program to support outstanding individuals committed to careers as physician-scientists.
The Master of Science in Applied Health Behavior Research (AHBR) is designed for students who wish to gain a wider perspective of how health behaviors impact clinical outcomes. Our students are engaged in research in academic, clinical, and community settings. The AHBR program provides a practical opportunity to cultivate new skills for career engagement and advancement.
The Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) at WashU offers exceptional doctoral training at one of the nation’s preeminent biomedical research centers. The DBBS is organized into twelve academic programs, each representing a different scientific area.
The Institute for Informatics, Data Science & Biostatistics provides an academic and professional home for informatics science and practice at WashU. A PhD program, Master of Science and certificate program in Biomedical Informatics are all available through the Institute for Informatics, Data Science & Biostatistics.
The Division of Biostatistics offers a variety of Master’s degrees and certificates in biostatistics and data science.
PRIDE Cardiovascular Disease Comorbidities, Genetics, Epidemiology (CVD-CGE) is a one-year, all-expense-paid program for junior faculty and transitioning postdoctoral scientists establishing independent academic research careers and negotiating through the academic ranks.