To foster a greater sense of community amongst fellows from all subspecialties in the Department of Medicine.
The council will develop and implement programs to promote fellow well-being, networking, learning and career development opportunities, and support interdisciplinary collaborations and social events.
Our academic center pioneered the Department of Medicine (DOM) Fellows Council as a platform for fellows from all subspecialties to network, create meaningful social connections, participate in career and professional development and wellness activities.
The specific objectives of this initiative are:
- Develop and implement career and professional development activities beneficial to fellows
- Create opportunities for fellows to form new interdivisional social networks
- Plan wellness initiatives for fellows from all divisions
Our academic institution has 16 ACGME accredited and 4 unaccredited medicine subspecialty fellowship programs with approximately 160 fellowship trainees altogether. Fellows Council is formed of program-nominated and self-nominated fellows from these subspecialties who have a passion for leadership, innovation, program development and wellness. New council members are recruited early Spring every year.

Amy Riek, MD (Endocrinology)

Abby Spencer, MD, Vice Chair of Education

Gayathri Krishnan, MD

Julie Byington, C-TAGME
Board of council members

Gayathri Krishnan, MD
Infectious Disease: Professional Development and Curriculum Chair
“Fellows Council is a wonderful platform for all of us to come together, learn from each other, meet outside of the EPIC chats and work environment and truly form everlasting connections with other subspecialties! The council has been so helpful for my career development and network formation.”

Alice Zhou, MD, PhD
Hematology/Oncology: Social activities Chair
“This is a great space for fellow trainees to chat, vent, ask about random but important things like insurance, where to get free food when on call, and where the best hole-in-the-wall restaurant is. I love the camaraderie with this group and it’s wonderful having a platform to advocate for things that we feel are important to our trainee experience.”

Lolwa Al-Obaid, MBBChB
“The fellows council has been a great way to focus on professional development, social opportunities and fellows’ wellness. I believe it will become a great resource for collaboration between fellows in different medicine subspecialties in the future.”

Aisling Doyle, MD
Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
“The fellows’ council is an invaluable forum for addressing issues particular to fellows’ training. Furthermore, it provides a much needed support for new fellows joining our institution and allows all trainees to meet regularly and learn from each other.”

Gayathri Krishnan, MD
Infectious Disease: Professional Development and Curriculum Chair
“Fellows Council is a wonderful platform for all of us to come together, learn from each other, meet outside of the EPIC chats and work environment and truly form everlasting connections with other subspecialties! The council has been so helpful for my career development and network formation.”

Petra Krutilova, MD
“The thing I value the most about the Fellows’ Council is the opportunity to meet and get to know some fellows from other specialties. I think this is particularly nice for fellows who did not do their residency at WashU and do not know many people on the campus, like me.”

Gaurav Rajashekar, MD
Nephrology: Membership Chair
“Fellow’s council is an excellent platform to meet and network with other specialties. Its primary purpose is to welcome fellows to St. Louis, introduce them to Wash U/Barnes cultural atmosphere, support them during their fellowship training and prepare them for the future.”

Raya Saba, MD
Hematology/Oncology: Membership Chair
“The transition from residency to fellowship can be tricky. All of a sudden, the size of your class shrinks, and you are separated from colleagues in other subspecialties. I’ve truly enjoyed the Fellows Council as a platform to bring Internal Medicine fellows together, allowing for a productive exchange of ideas, and filling in departmental gaps of communication. I can’t wait to see it grow and flourish with time and leadership support!”

Philip Wiener, DO
“I enjoy the open communication and camaraderie exemplified by the fellows council and its members.”

Alice Zhou, MD, PhD
Hematology/Oncology: Social activities Chair
“This is a great space for fellow trainees to chat, vent, ask about random but important things like insurance, where to get free food when on call, and where the best hole-in-the-wall restaurant is. I love the camaraderie with this group and it’s wonderful having a platform to advocate for things that we feel are important to our trainee experience.”
- Lactation services
- SAFE reporting
- Wellness resources
- Housestaff resources
- Anti-Racism Resources
- AY2022-2023 Housestaff Stipends (pdf)
- Best practices for programs to support wellbeing (doc)
- BJC Smoking Cessation Flier 2014_09 (pdf)
- Considerations for Supporting Others Regarding Racial Justice DEI Office (pdf)
- Measuring Reflection on Participation in Quality Improvement Activities for Maintenance of Certification, Academic Medicine, Vol. 89, No. 10 / October 2014 (pdf)
- Missouri Physicians Health Program Resources – The MPHP
- New Innovations – Login and How to Access Evaluations 2017_03_22 (pdf)
- Policies & Procedures
- SHS Distress Handout (pdf)
- Supplemental Digital Appendix, Instrument to Measure Reflection on Participation in Quality Improvement Activities for Maintenance of Certification, Academic Medicine, 2014 (pdf)
Past events