On March 30th, OUTmed, LGBTQ+med, and the Academy of Educators hosted the first-ever Queerer Mentoring Workshop. Over 35 faculty, fellows, residents, staff, and students attended from across the School of Medicine for this workshop and networking event.

The workshop goals were to help OUTmed mentoring groups better understand member needs and to help recognize the difference between coaching, sponsoring, and advising. The mentoring groups are part of OUTmed’s OUTmentor program for LGBTQIA+ identifying faculty and trainees at the School of Medicine. It is sponsored by the Office of Diversity Programs, OUTmed, and LGBTQmed and is currently open to all MD and PhD programs within the School of Medicine. Based off feedback, OUTmed will continue with professional development as it relates to LGBTQIA+ identities, and will support additional networking events for increased visibility.
Feedback from Attendees
“I just loved how open everyone was and getting to meet the LGBTQ+ community here.”
I found this very practical to help me get the most out of my mentoring relationships.
For more information on how to become part of this group, visit the OUTmed website.