An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

The world of academic medicine is one that is always in motion, and spring marks the time of year when everything seems to go twice as fast as usual. It is always a remarkable experience to observe our program leaders as they delve into the monumental tasks of onboarding a new class of trainees while […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

The start of a new year always ushers in a sense of excitement and renewal in the world of medical education. Though our academic ‘new year’ may still be months away, planning and preparation for our incoming class of learners is underway and at everyone’s height of mind. Our fellowships capped off a busy recruitment […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

Summer has come to an end, which means the UME and GME worlds have both entered full-swing into recruitment season! During this busy and stressful time of year, we would like to acknowledge the incredible amount of effort that our WashU community pours into ensuring the best outcomes for our medical students and GME programs. […]

2022-2023 Annual Report – DOM Vice Chair for Education

2022-2023 Annual Report - DOM Vice Chair for Education-newpost

A Word from the Vice Chair Education in the Department of Medicine continues to thrive thanks to the commitment, innovation, expertise, and dedication of our DOM GME and UME leaders and directors, our outstanding clinical teachers and mentors, our exceptional trainees, and the support of our Department Chair. In our Office of the Vice Chair […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

Gastroenterology Fellows celebrate graduation. Back row from left: Kemmian Johnson, MD, MPH, Matthew Peller, MD, Badr Alhumayyd, MBBS, Parth Shah, MD, Parth Patel, MD. Front row from left: Garrett Greenan, MD, Lolwa Al-Obaid, MD, Vladimir Lamm, MD. Not pictured: Ankita Tirath

Looking Ahead to a New Academic Year There is no denying that June is a particularly special time of year in Medical Education. Programs are working tirelessly to graduate seniors while simultaneously onboarding new interns and fellows. Medical school graduates and senior residents are readying themselves for the next phase in their careers. Medical school […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

Awards, Honors, and Distinctions The Vice Chair of Education would like to extend congratulations to the following DOM Education Leaders: Changes in Program Leadership In recent months we have seen several leadership changes for training programs within DOM. We would like to welcome and congratulate the following faculty members on their new roles: We also […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

New & Updates The Academy of Educators recently published their first annual report outlining goals and accomplishments over the past year. Awards & Honors The Vice Chair of Education sends congratulations to all Department of Medicine faculty that were recently honored at the Academy of Educators’ annual Education Day. View more details about this year’s […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

Abby Spencer, MD

Announcements MIMEC: Mentoring in Medical Education Careers – New!Sessions available monthly for faculty and senior fellows to meet with the DOM Vice Chair of Education for mentorship and guidance on Med Ed-related topics. Congratulations to the following DOM residents and attendings on recently receiving LeJIT teaching awards: Mike Rich, MD Chloe Ferris, MD Mike Fuller, […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

Announcements Washington University Med School Commencement Announcing MIMEC: Mentoring in Medical Education Careers Office Hours Mentoring in Medical Education Careers (MIMEC) is an opportunity for DOM faculty, educators, and aspiring educators to meet with our Vice Chair for Education and Director of the Academy of Educators, Dr. Abby Spencer to discuss: Careers in Medical Education […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

Abby Spencer, MD

“People learn to lead because they care about something”. This has recently become one of my new favorite quotes. Identifying what we most care about, our “why”, can help us bring our passion, curiosity, and an openness to learn new skills to our roles as educators and educational leaders. As we emerge from the most […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

Abby Spencer, MD

With recruitment season winding down for the DOM fellowships and gearing up full speed for the DOM residency programs, there is much to celebrate! What an incredible first academic quarter it has been learning more about the Department of Medicine training programs and their outstanding program leaders and educators! The DOM residency and fellowship program […]

An update from the Office of the Vice Chair of Education

Abby Spencer, MD

Now several months into the new role of Vice Chair of Education for the Department of Medicine, I am thrilled to continue to get to know you, your programs and your trainees! The Department of Medicine residency and fellowship program directors and coordinators continue to impress at our monthly meetings where we share best practices, […]