Events / From the AAMC: Understanding Pay Inequity: Equipping ourselves to close the gender pay gap in medicine and science

From the AAMC: Understanding Pay Inequity: Equipping ourselves to close the gender pay gap in medicine and science

11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

This 60-minute webinar will examine how medicine’s traditional compensation methodology disadvantages women faculty. Although the burden of salary equity will require organizations to address this phenomenon systematically, speakers will describe how women can equip themselves to support equitable compensation. Discussion will include a review of federal and state pay equity laws.

At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Quantify the gender pay gap and its impact on accumulated wealth
  • Identify the drivers of traditional compensation methodology and the impact of second generation gender bias
  • Describe strategies individuals could employ to facilitate pay equity


Amy S. Gottlieb, MD, FACP
Professor of Medicine and Obstetrics & Gynecology, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
University of Massachusetts Medical School – Baystate, Chief Faculty Development Officer, Baystate Health

Patricia Washienko, Esq.
Attorney, Freiberger & Washienko, LLC

Diana Lautenberger, MA
Director, Faculty and Staff Research, Association of American Medical Colleges

Questions? Contact Eric Wilkerson, Director, GWIMS

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