Starting Wednesday, March 23, WashU Medicine and BJC Healthcare will ease masking requirements on the Medical Campus, including clinical settings plus all common areas. Masks will be situational and optional for patients and visitors and their families.

Employees will still be required to wear a mask to comply with these requests:
- Transmission-based precautions (i.e., isolation signs, isolation policy)
- Occupational Health COVID requirements (i.e., cleared to work but still symptomatic, on return to work after COVID infection, recent household contact with COVID infection)
- Stated request by the patient of the clinician/employee providing care
Masking and personal protective equipment (PPE) are still required for the care of patients who are positive or suspected positive for COVID-19.
Two reduce transmission of infectious diseases in the workplace, masking will be strongly encouraged and recommended for employees, patients, and visitors showing any signs or symptoms of respiratory illness (e.g. fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat) As well as if they’ve had recent exposure to someone with a respiratory infection.
All employees – whether vaccinated or vaccine-exempt are still expected to self-assess for any signs or symptoms of illness and are to contact the Occupational Heath Exposure/Illness Hotline at 314-362-5056 if symptoms are present for evaluation of respiratory illness before coming to work. Those with vaccine exemptions and no symptoms will need to wear a mask throughout the workday or document self-assessment before coming into work each day. The assessment can be done using the WashU Med online screening tool.
WashU Med and BJC will continue to monitor respiratory virus activity and adjust strategies as needed.