News Research Research and Publications

Understanding muscle insulin resistance in metabolic syndrome 

Decreased sarcoplasmic reticulum phospholipids in human skeletal muscle are associated with metabolic syndrome
Fig. 4 A: Oral glucose tolerance test, data shown as mean, error bars indicate standard deviation. B: Area under the curve (AUC) of oral glucose tolerance test, each symbol represents a participant. Error bars indicate standard deviation. C: Insulin levels during oral glucose tolerance test. D: AUC of insulin levels, data shown as mean, error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. Mann-Whitney test. Each symbol represents a participant. E: HOMA-IR in participants. Unpaired Student’s t-test with Welch’s correction, each symbol represents a participant. F: Matsuda index in participants. Unpaired Student’s t-test. Each symbol represents a participant.
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In March, Samantha Adamson, MD, PhDSangeeta Adak, PhDMax C. Petersen, MD, PhDDustin Higgins, DOLarry D. Spears, PhDRong Mei Zhang, MDAndrea Cedeno, MDAlexis McKee, MD, CDCESAswathi Kumar, MDSudhir M. Singh, MD;  Fong-Fu Hsu, PhDJanet B. McGill, MD, MA, FACP; and Clay F. Semenkovich, MD had their article titled “Decreased sarcoplasmic reticulum phospholipids in human skeletal muscle are associated with metabolic syndrome,” published by the Journal of Lipid Research