
Search for Interprofessional Education Thread Director

Dear Department Chairs, Course Directors, Clerkship Directors and Thread Leaders:

Please distribute to interested faculty.

The Office of Medical Student Education is seeking a faculty member to serve as the inaugural Interprofessional Education Thread Director.

The interprofessional education (IPE) thread is a longitudinal interprofessional curriculum with content and assessment elements incorporated across multiple courses, clerkships, and academic years. Working with the Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (CIPE) Curriculum & Assessment Committee, the IPE thread director is responsible for the co-development of the IPE curriculum template for students from the Washington University School of Medicine, the Goldfarb School of Nursing and the St Louis College of Pharmacy. The IPE thread director is responsible for designing and implementing the specific IPE curriculum within the MD program.  This involves working with Course and Clerkship Directors to develop and update sessions relevant to the thread, including those which prepare students for interprofessional sessions, and creating independent required, selective and elective sessions as needed to ensure the effective achievement of the IPE competencies and objectives. The IPE thread director works in close collaboration with the Office of Medical Student Education, CIPE, and the Program Evaluation unit to manage and evaluate the IPE curriculum. This is a 0.2 FTE position funded by the Office of Education and reporting to the Associate Dean for Medical Student Education.

The formal job description is linked below:

WUSM Director Interprofessional Education Thread Final

Interested applicants should send a letter if interest and their CV to Kelly Noll at: by March 1, 2018. Questions about the position can be addressed to Tom DeFer at

Eva Aagaard, MD
Senior Associate Dean for Education
Washington University School of Medicine