Thank you, residents and interns, for all you do for one another and for your patients. Though often under-appreciated, your work does not go unnoticed.
Help us highlight the kindness, clinical judgement, resourcefulness, and work ethic.
Nominate a resident/intern for Housestaff of the month or just share something good.

May 2023 Inpatient Resident of the Month
Elissa Arnold
“I rounded with Elissa last week in the MICU. She is a superstar. When she is there it’s like having another fellow on the team. She knows exactly what’s going on with every patient and can break away to put out fires without needing much (or any) supervision. Her hard work is much appreciated by me and the patients.”
“Elissa is an absolutely amazing senior who gives her interns the perfect amount of autonomy while still being there for them every step of the way. Her knowledge is unparalleled. She also taught me how to have goals of care conversations in the most empathetic and effective way. She took extra time to teach us, review plans before rounds to ensure we wouldn’t struggle later, and taught us POCUS and procedural skills in a way that made them easy. She is so fun to be around and made my micu rotation a wonderful learning experience.”
May 2023 Inpatient Intern of the Month
Geoff Ginter
“He did a great job managing a challenging list of patients on cardiology firm. He demonstrated empathy, compassion, and diligence in patient care. One notable patient had significant coronary disease and a new diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma; Geoff demonstrated exceptional compassion when delivering the news to the patient and family. His dedication made a significant impact on the family – they described him as their “rock” during turbulent times.”
“He takes the initiative to follow his patient longitudinally to identify areas for improvement. The hallmark of a good physician.”
“He has wonderful bedside manner, often addressing patient’s underlying concerns rather than just the medical issue. Even on overwhelming days, he remains calm and faces the endless challenges with humility.”

May 2023 Co-Outpatient Resident of the Month
Jesse Young
“Outstanding judgment and follow through on a challenging ACT that occurred in the COH and for being a kind, compassionate, well thought out clinician even with the most challenging patients.”
“I see him often in the PCMC and he always has a smile on his face. We have seen some physically and socially complex patients and he never lets this get him down; he continues to have a positive attitude every day. In my opinion, his continuous optimism has a meaningful impact on the staff, residents, and attendings in the clinic when he is there. It is always a joy to discuss patients with him.”

May 2023 Co-Outpatient Resident of the Month
Ali Hixon
“She did life saving measures on an unfortunate person found down in the tunnel of Forest Park while biking home on a Monday. This is a tease – for the complete story, reach out to Ali. It is quite extraordinary.”
Harrison Lancaster

Sami Zarro

From a BJH patient eval: “Thank you for taking the time to listen. Your patience, care, and concern are admirable and I truly appreciate you and your team.”
Greg Fox
“Such a down to earth and friendly doctor. He always leans down to my level to talk and is so patient. Thank you!”
Erin Dyer

Kylie Clevinger
Alex Scherer

Austin Niu

Lekha Pandya

Shreyas Venkataraman

Alvin George

Samrah Razi

Arjun Tambe

LeJIT Teaching Award from the Medicine Clerkship
In recognition of completing just-in-time assessments (aka “JITs”), providing meaningful, timely feedback to students, and creating a positive learning environment that fosters feedback and growth.
Elisa De Togni &
Neha Akkad!