Thank you, residents and interns, for all you do for one another and for your patients. Though often under-appreciated, your work does not go unnoticed.
Help us highlight the kindness, clinical judgement, resourcefulness, and work ethic.
Nominate a resident/intern for Housestaff of the month or just share something good.

March 2024 Inpatient Intern of the Month
Dr. Ann Ayzman
I would like to nominate Ann for Intern of the Month. On Med firm, she demonstrated fantastic clinical reasoning, adept handling of complicated patients, and excellent bedside manner, all the while with a great sense of humor which kept the team dynamics laid back. No matter how frustrating a situation (medical or otherwise) was, she would work to coordinate and resolve it in a way that kept the patient’s best interests in mind, and she would only leave when the job was done. The team all truly enjoyed working with her on Firm, and I know she will continue on to be an exemplary senior and physician!
She is a superb intern. Her bedside manner and ability to communicate with patients are the best I have seen.

March 2024 Inpatient Resident of the Month
Dr. Eric Mittauer
Eric was a phenomenal senior on our cardiology firm team this past month. He provided compassionate and high-value care to all of the patients that he took care of. He somehow managed to establish great rapport with every single patient. There were numerous patients who spoke very highly of him and noted that they felt safe under his care. In addition, he was a complete team player. He would consistently take time to teach the medical students and provided the perfect balance of pushing them to maximize their education while ensuring that they felt comfortable the entire time. He also helped the team in any way that he could. When the natural course of firm would take place and there would be an overwhelming amount of work, he would step in and do whatever it took to make the lives easier for everyone around him. He truly went above and beyond over the past month, and I am lucky to have worked with him.
Eric was an exceedingly excellent upper-level resident. He always put the needs of the patient at the forefront of everything he did, even if it meant staying hours late on a call day to transfer a patient to the ICU following surgery when vascular/plastics were unable to be reached. Eric has a great ability to immediately establish rapport with patients, even making the most disagreeable of them laugh. He was an especially great mentor to all of our medical students, empowering them to continue expanding their comfort zone and providing impactful teaching. From a resident standpoint, Eric was a fantastic leader. He was able to lead us through many difficult situations (ICU transfers, GOC conversations, end of life situations) with ease and always made sure to de-brief with us afterwards. He was extremely helpful on a day-to-day level, providing support only when he knew we needed it, but not when we didn’t, allowing us to gain more experience and confidence in our clinical decision making. If my family member was hospitalized, I would want Eric to take care of them. He is a tremendous asset to the Internal Medicine program.

March 2024 Outpatient Intern of the Month
Dr. Marcela Araujo de Oliviera Santana
Out of the goodness of her heart and at slight risk to her sanity, she agreed to see a very late, non-English speaking patient for an IOV while having a full schedule. Despite technical difficulties with getting an interpreter, provided excellent and comprehensive care including starting insulin for out-of-control diabetes.

March 2024 Outpatient Resident of the Month
Dr. Koral Shah
Koral does a fantastic job in the clinic. She clearly knows her patients and all of the complexities of their history, and has a thoughtful plan that incorporates patient-specific factors like health literacy and trust in the healthcare system. Recently, she staffed one of her patients with a complicated medical and psych history and a strained relationship with a new psychiatrist; her plan demonstrated trust she had built with this patient as well as nuanced decision-making beyond the usual resident clinic level. Staffing patients with her is a breeze because I know she’s so smart and so thorough, and she advocates for her patients to get the best care!
Dr. Dana Yabroudi

Dr. Andrew Schaffer

Dr. Justin Vincent

Dr. Scott Beeler

Dr. Arun Chandnani

Dr. Sarah Addison

Dr. Dipika Mohan

Dr. Koral Shah

Dr. Fatih Koc

I had a terrific resident and interns this last time on cards firm. I really couldn’t have asked for a better team to take care of the many sick patients we had on service.
Dipika Mohan, MD was the intern – she is a star – she was as effective as an SAR.
Koral Shah, MD did a great job, especially on physical exams and on sussing out the real problems that often-difficult-to-ellicit-histories-from patients had.
Fatih Koh, MD was a neuro resident rotating on medicine, and he was the best neuro resident I have had.
Dr. Ali Hixon

Dr. Bianca Szafarowicz

Dr. Eric Mittauer

This team went above and beyond to coordinate the care of a patient with an extremely complex medical and social situation and a months-long hospital stay, including coordinating recommendations between many subspecialists, communicating daily with our colleagues in case management and social work and representatives from long-term care facilities, and having countless discussions with the patient and their family about their illness and their goals. They were undaunted by the obstacles that arose, and advocated tirelessly in the face of a challenging situation to ensure that the final plan was one that was most aligned with the patient’s goals.