News Research Research and Publications

HIV Clinicians Represent Critical Point of Access for Treatment of Substance Use

Aditi Ramakrishnan, MD

Aditi Ramakrishnan, MD MSc, Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Department of Medicine at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, had a first-author publication in Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (JAIDS), a premier infectious diseases journal, describing the substance use treatment engagement among women with HIV in the Southern US and avenues for developing novel interventions. 

Aditi Ramakrishnan, MD, MSc
Aditi Ramakrishnan, MD, MSc Infectious Diseases

“ The HIV and substance use epidemics are deeply linked, fueling each other, creating a syndemic. Among people living with HIV, substance use can influence engagement in care—in terms of one’s ability to attend clinic visits and take medications—and therefore can lead to poor HIV and other healthcare outcomes.”

Dr. Ramakrishnan’s JAIDS publication was highlighted in Physician’s Weekly as well as TheBodyPro and was the lead story in the April 2024 NIDA HIV Research Program “HIV News.”