Welcome to Medicine Grand Rounds
The Department of Medicine hosts Grand Rounds every Thursday during the academic year from 8 am – 9 am CST. Grand Rounds features School of Medicine faculty and regional, national, and international leaders in their fields who present on a variety of current topics in medicine.
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit
CME credit will be extended three days (the following Monday at 11:59 pm) for individuals who are unable to attend Medicine Grand Rounds in person.
We value your input about Medicine Grand Rounds. Please share with us your feedback on previous presentations, suggestions for upcoming speakers, etc. Fill out the Grand Rounds Speaker Suggestion form or email us at housestaffchiefs@DOM.wustl.edu
Archived Grand Rounds
“Regenerating the Human Heart: A Case for Rational Optimism”
April 6, 2023
Charles E. Murry, MD, PhD
Edward Massie Lecture
“Antibodies in Food Allergy and Tolerance”
March 30, 2023
Sarita Patil, MD
Stanley F. and Ahden K. Hampton Lectureship in Allergy and Clinical Immunology
“Care that Matters: What got us here may not get us there”
March 16, 2023
Michelle Mourad, MD, FACP
Robert J. Glaser Visiting Professor
“Inequality and Inequity in Serious Illness Care and Beyond”
March 9, 2023
Tammie E. Quest, MD
Morton Binder Visiting Professor Lectureship
“KIT inhibition in Systemic Mastocytosis (A 20-year Journey from Patient Zero)”
March 2, 2023
Jason R. Gotlib, MD and Stephen T. Oh, MD, PhD
“Dissemination and Implementation Research: How a Science of Implementation Can Make Healthcare Better”
February 16, 2023
Elvin H. Geng, MD, MPH
“Updates on Lipid Management: New Tools in the New Era”
February 9, 2023
Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD Lecture