
Easter Celebration

Easter is a religious Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after his crucifixion on Good Friday.

Easter is the fulfilled foretelling of the one who would be persecuted, die for our sins, and rise on the third day. Remembering the resurrection of Jesus is a way to renew daily hope that we have victory over sin.

Easter serves as the foundation for many holy celebrations starting with Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent), Lent (the observance of fasting by giving up food, drink or a habit for 40 days) in honor of Jesus’s 40-day fast in the desert. Lent is also a time for prayer and reflection. Palm Sunday (the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem and was celebrated as the messiah, Maundy Thursday (the Last Supper), Good Friday (the day Jesus was crucified) and concluding with Easter Sunday.

For Christians Easter is a very significant day and is the source of the Christian faith. Jesus, the Son of God, fulfilled prophecy and through his death, has given the gift of eternal life in heaven to those who believe in his death and resurrection.

Other religious Easter traditions come from the corresponding Jewish celebration of Passover, a commemoration of the Jews’ escape from slavery in Egypt. The Jewish holiday provides the basis for Easter feasts and many traditional Easter foods, including lamb.

In Western churches, Easter always falls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Eastern Orthodox churches follow a different calendar, and for them, Easter falls on a Sunday between April 4 and May 8 each year. This year, Easter falls on Sunday, April 20th.

Graham Chapel
Graham Chapel

Easter Mass will be celebrated at Graham Chapel on Sunday, April 20th at 10 am. Details here.