The American Philosophical Society awards a limited number of Daland Fellowships in Clinical Investigation for research in the several branches of clinical medicine, including internal medicine, neurology, pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery. The committee emphasizes patient-oriented research.
The fellowships are designed for qualified persons who have held an MD, DO, MD/PhD, or DO/PhD degree for fewer than eight (8) years. The fellowship is usually intended to be the first post–clinical-training fellowship, but each case will be decided on its merits. Preference is usually given to candidates who have not completed more than two years of postdoctoral training and research. Applicants, both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals, must expect to perform their research at an institution in the United States, under the supervision of a scientific advisor. Direct contact with patients is mandatory.
Candidates are to be nominated by their department chairperson, in a letter providing assurance that the nominee will work with the guidance of a scientific advisor of established reputation who has guaranteed adequate space, supplies, etc., for the Fellow. The advisor need not be a member of the department nominating the Fellow, nor need the activities of the Fellow be limited to the nominating department. As a general rule, no more than one fellowship will be awarded to a given institution in the same year of competition.
Award, duration
Stipends for the fellowship are $40,000 for the first year and $40,000 for the second year. The term of the fellowship is one year, with renewal for one year if satisfactory progress is demonstrated. Requests for renewal are due in January. Payments are made on July 15 and January 15. The Society provides no funds for institutional overhead.
The Society expects that essentially 100% of the Fellow’s time will be devoted to research, and the fellowship will constitute salary support. With the cognizance of the committee, teaching or clinical service of a limited amount is permitted, and a small portion of the fellowship may be used for supplies. The committee reserves final decisions until it has a clear understanding of the Fellow’s financial support for the project, whether in the form of additional salary granted by the institution at which the Fellow is located or from other fellowships.
Deadline, notification
Applications for first-year fellowships are due no later than September 16. A complete application includes all materials requested on the form, in the correct number of copies, AND the three (3) confidential letters supporting the application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to verify that all materials reached the Society on time by contacting Linda Musumeci, Director of Grants and Fellowships, at LMusumeci@amphilsoc.org or 215-440-3429. A written decision is emailed to candidates in January.