Cassandra Fritz, MD, MPHS, Assistant Professor from the Divisions of Gastroenterology and General Medicine & Geriatrics is one of six inaugural fellows selected for the JAMA Network Open’s Editorial Fellowship program.

The program mission is to engage a cadre of promising junior faculty in the editorial process to advance research and scholarship that addresses the needs of all communities and to expand diversity among editorial board members and researchers reviewing manuscripts across the scientific community.
This six-month program began in July 2023. During the six-month program, they meet monthly for two-hour workshops (on research study design, data validity, etc.) led by faculty from our editorial board. Fellows will be invited to participate in manuscript review meetings and conduct reviews. And are assigned a mentor with expertise in their field of scholarship, and are will be invited to co-author an editorial or commentary.
The hope is that upon completion of the program, participants will be prepared to apply to serve on editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals.