What is Applied Health Behavior Research?
- A multi-disciplinary approach to studying the health behaviors and their determinants that affect health outcomes and quality of life
- A field that applies psychology, public health, program evaluation, and statistics to promote health and prevent disease
- An important component in clinical research and treatment involving human participants
Courses for Spring 2021 Semester:
- Applied Data Management (M88-548)
- Epidemiology for Clinical Research (M88-588)
- Foundations of Health Care Research (M88-524)
- Health Education: Methods, Planning, Evaluation (M88-536)
- Principles of Management in Health Care Services (M88-532)
- Project Management in Clinical and Community Settings (M88-508)
Eligible for the HR Tuition Benefit
For more information, visit ahbr.wustl.edu or contact ahbr@wustl.edu.