
Meet the World’s Brainiest Cover Band—It Has a Nobel Prize Winner on Harmonica

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On a recent night in Chicago, Taylor Swift was in town, along with the annual conference of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A few block from Solider Field, where Swift was set to perform, doctors and researchers were crowding into Buddy guy’s Legends club to see The CheckPoints, a cover band of immunotherapy all-stars.

The CheckPoints band members:

Tom Gajewski – U Chicago  guitar

Jim Allison – MD Anderson  harmnonica

Jon Timmerman – UCLA   guitar

Rachel Humphrey – Normunity ( Vocals

Lisa Butterfield – UCSF vocals

Anna Corsetti – UCSF med school vocals

Brad Reinfield – Vanderbilt med school > about to start UCLA medicine residency bass guitar

Patrick Hwu  – Moffitt Cancer Center CEO  keyboards

Jason Luke – U Pittsburg trumpet

Ferran Pratt – MD Anderson sax

Jedd Wolchock – Weill Cornell tuba

Dirk Spitzer – WashU Department of Surgery  drums

Russell Pachynski – WashU Division of Hematology & Oncology trombone

Check out this YouTube Video Performance