9/28 8:30AM- 5PM FLTC Connor Auditorium (520 S. Euclid Ave)
Engage Conference featuring Nobel Laureate Dr. Walter Gilbert
Reminder: Abstracts due September 1, http://bit.ly/engage2017Subs
Optional RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/engage-conference-tickets-36086380335 using promo code “Caring” for a 100% discount.
Full program features talks from faculty and staff at WU, Mercy, and Provident St. Louis on digital health applications and how to get involved across medicine, psychiatry, neurology, obstetrics/gynecology, emergency medicine, and surgery.
Included is a grant workshop area on how to build your own digital health intervention to solve clinical problems like medication nonadherence, diabetes and hypertension management, improving suicide prevention, preventing hospitalizations and much more.
Full program and flyer attached for more details! For questions, please email robert.m.peters@wustl.edu.
Sponsored by the Epharmix Research Center, the Institute for Public Health, and the Brown School of Social Work