Thank you, residents and interns, for all you do for one another and for your patients. Though often under-appreciated, your work does not go unnoticed.
Help us highlight the kindness, clinical judgement, resourcefulness, and work ethic.
Nominate a resident/intern for Housestaff of the month or just share something good.

April 2024 Inpatient Intern of the Month
Dr. Kyle Liu
“Dr. Liu was, without hesitation or exaggeration, one of the strongest interns I have ever worked with. His knowledge, organization, and efficiency were outstanding, and allowed him to thrive even when carrying a full complement of complex patients. His differentials were thorough and appropriate, and his plans often required no alterations from his senior or attending. On call days I could probably have left him completely unsupervised and come back to a list of stably tucked-in patients with appropriate plans and them and their families having been updated. He was able to respond to emergent situations with little correction or oversight, and will truly be one of the foremost members of his resident class moving forward.
However, what Kyle truly deserves recognition for is his outstanding ownership and relentless dedication to his patients. Kyle went farther to advocate and care for his patients than almost anyone else I’ve seen in medicine. Whether staying late to handcraft an ensure-ice cream milkshake for a frail patient, personally learning a specific dressing change to ensure it was completed when it had been left undone, or even assuming ownership of a sick PACU patient and finding them a SICU bed when their surgical team vanished, Kyle is an exemplar of diligence and dedication that all residents could learn from. His relentless work ethic will serve him and his patients well into the future, and I look forward with pride to see what heights his promising career will reach.”
“Kyle went the extra mile to care for his patients, including volunteering to personally provide adequate wound care and staying late to ensure safe transfers of his patients. He is a great advocate for the safety and quality care of his patients.”

April 2024 Inpatient Intern of the Month
Dr. Bradley Lewis
“I am a nurse on 5400. I wanted to recognize Dr. Lewis with Med 2 for his exceptional work! On 5400 there was a patient with an acute change, major bleeding, Dr. Lewis was very proactive. Immediately he was in the room checking on the patient, making calls to get the right consults involved in the patient’s care. He went above and beyond, helping us change the patient without having to ask. Whenever nursing was in the room, Dr. Lewis was also checking on the patient, never did we have to notify him of a low BP or change in status because he was already aware and addressing the concern. It is an extreme help to nursing with super sick patients to know that not only the provider has our back but is also helping us keep an eye on the patient, and that patient care is a collaboration between the team. The patient was able to remain stable on the floor, but in case the patient became unstable, he already had the ICU team aware. It makes all the difference in a patient’s care, knowing there is a plan in place, it is very much appreciated.
It is a pleasure to work with Dr. Lewis, he is an exceptional Provider.”

April 2024 Inpatient Resident of the Month
Dr. Sam Harris
I would like to nominate Dr. Harris for the inpatient resident of the month. She was simply spectacular as a resident- she taught consistently on clinical reasoning and management reasoning to interns, subI and clerkship student. She made sure all patients got truly outstanding care in the hospital and in transition. The entire team felt cared for, taught, supported and engaged.

April 2024 Inpatient Resident of the Month
Dr. Scott Beeler
Dr. Beeler was outstanding at many things as a resident on the inpatient service. For example, dermatology had made a diagnosis for a patient on our service with a rash, and he offered an alternate diagnosis before the dermatology team came to that same conclusion on its follow up evaluation. I also want to highlight his particularly engaging teaching style, which incorporates fun statistics (eg what percentage of patients reliably report muscular symptoms/side effects when on a statin vs when on a placebo?) and interesting results from clinical studies. This helps all of us remember that results from clinical studies, when carefully applied to patient care, are fun and relevant.

April 2024 Outpatient Intern of the Month
Dr. Vruta Kansara
Dr. Kansara did an excellent job taking care of a clinic patient here for a PHV who was recently started on warfarin and had extremely labile INR since discharge. She spent time after hours coordinating interdisciplinary care between the INR clinic, our clinic pharmacist, and the inpatient pharmacist to ensure a safe and effective anticoagulation and follow-up plan for this patient. And despite a busy clinic day, she never appeared rushed or compromised the thoroughness of her plan. Well done!
Dr. Brian Zenger

Dr. Ryan Gimple

Dr. David Zhang

Dr. Alex Hartlage

Dr. Arun Chandnani

Dr. Sarah Addison

April VA residents
I would like to recognize the April VA residents for their professionalism. It is easy to just put up with the idiosyncrasies of the VA system, but this group of residents provided excellent and timely feedback about systems-level issues that could use improvement. And kept the Chief Resident informed about ongoing workroom issues that needed fixing (printers, fridges, phones, etc). Their efforts will help make daily work life at the VA easier for the next group of residents. Also, nobody required reminders for report cases!